Volunteer with Us

Volunteer at the Baby Bank
If you have daytime availability, and are able to come to our Baby Bank in the Gyle to help sort donations and create Baby Packs, this is where volunteers are most needed! We ask that our volunteers commit to:
Volunteering once a week or every other week
Minimum of 2 months of continuous volunteering
Exceptions may be discussed with the Community Development Worker, so do apply even if you may not be able to commit to all the sessions.
If you are looking to volunteer as a driver to deliver the Baby Packs - please fill the below form also. We would need you to provide your own vehicle, but will reimburse for the fuel costs.
Remote Volunteering
If you are unable to come to our Baby Bank during the day, but would like to volunteer in another way, please get in touch via the button below. There may be opportunities to support us remotely with administrative tasks or promoting the organisation and its services.
We look forward to hearing from you!