Baby Bank
Our Material Aid Service - delivering supplies for newborns and young children to families in Edinburgh and in the Lothians.
Donating to the Baby Bank
Do you want to donate your baby clothes, toys and equipment?
Since moving to the Gyle Shopping Centre we have made the donation process simpler for you:
Please note, we do NOT accept the following items:
Car seats, baby furniture, travel cots, maternity clothes, pregnancy pillows, jumperoos, medicine, formula and potties
Small Items
Small Items are donations that can be easily carried in carrier bags/bags for life and walked into the Gyle.
You don’t need to complete the donations form, just come into the Gyle Shopping Centre, find the Baby Bank opposite JD Sports and put your bags in the donations container.
Mon to Fri, 8.30am to 4pm
Large Items
Large items are donations of multiple bags eg a carload, or large items of equipment
Please complete the online donations form. You will be emailed clear directions to drive to the rear of the Baby Bank to the Drop Off Point
Mon to Fri, 8.30am to 4pm
Accessing The Baby Bank. Are you…
... A parent who has not used this service before?
If you would like to access this service, we will need a referral from your health visitor, midwife or worker at another statutory agency or charity. Please contact one of the above and ask them to fill in the referral form.
... A parent who has used this service before?
Once you have been referred to our service you can re-access for 2 years. You are welcome to fill in the referral form yourself, simply press the button below.
... A worker from a Referring Agency?
If you are a health visitor, midwife or worker at another statutory agency or charity looking to refer a client, please fill the referral form by pressing on the button below.
About the Service
We provide baby clothes and equipment (up to age 2) to families in financial difficulty. To access the baby bank, an initial referral must be completed by a healthcare professional. Families can then self refer until the child is 2 years old.
Our service is open to families in all their varied forms, including those who do not live under the same roof or when a child is living with extended family. If you require more than 1 of any item please let us know, we are not always able to oblige but we will do our best.
Most of the families we work with are put in touch with us during pregnancy, at which point we will supply one of our ‘newborn packs’. This can include:
6 months worth of clothing
Moses basket with stand and bedding
Bouncy chair
Steriliser (electric or microwave, as needed)
Baby bath
Breast pump
Baby monitor
Toiletries and nappies
Prams and buggies
If there is anything else you require we will do our best to source it.
After the birth of your child, we can help with the following
Clothing up to age 2
Cot-beds and cots
High chair
Safety gates
6m+ suitable strollers
Unfortunately we cannot provide the following items
Car seats (all sizes)
If you have any questions about our Baby Bank, please email sarah.brown@counsellingandcare.co.uk